133+ Essential SEO Statistics for 2024

SEO has changed a lot over the years.

If you’re looking for state of the art SEO statistics post — you’re on the right source (DemandSage).

Introducing 134 Essential SEO Statistics for 2024, your comprehensive guide to navigating the ever-shifting search engine landscape.

Top SEO Statistics 2024: Key Takeaway

  • 93% of web experiences begin on a search engine.
  • Organic traffic is responsible for 53.3% of a website’s traffic.
  • SEO-generated leads have a 15% closing rate.
  • 58% of marketers plan to implement AI in their SEO strategy in 2024.
  • 75% of people will never go past the first page of the Google search results page.
  • 92.1% of people access the internet through a mobile phone, making mobile optimization crucial.
  • 43% of small business owners are looking to invest in their website’s performance in 2024.
  • 40% of users will abandon your website if it takes more than three seconds to load.
  • The first organic search result on Google gets 31.24% clicks on average.
  • The SEO Industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.54% between 2024 to 2031.

Google Search Engine Statistics

Google has 85.55% of the global search engine market. Almost all search engine SEO campaigns are crafted keeping Google in mind. In this section, I will take you through some of Google’s top statistics that will help you rank your website on Google’s first page.

  1. As of 2024, over 4.72 billion internet users worldwide use Google.
  2. Google was visited 83.79 billion times in November 2023 alone.
  3. An internet user searches on Google 3 to 4 times a day.
  4. 75% of people will never go past the first page of Google.
  5. 16.3% of Google’s organic traffic in the U.S.A. comes from users searching for the term “Google.”
  6. Google processes 8.2 billion searches every day, which is equivalent to 99,000 searches every second.
  7. More than 1 billion questions have been asked via Google Lens to date.
  8. 63% of Google’s organic search traffic in the U.S.A. is generated via mobile devices.
  9. 11 minutes and 14 seconds is the average time spent on Google per visit.
  10. A user visits 8.79 pages on every Google visit.
  11. 28.23% of users view just one page before leaving Google.
  12. Facebook and YouTube are the two most searched terms on Google.
  13. According to Andrey Lipattsev (Ex Search Quality Senior Strategist of Google), Content, Backlinks, and Rank Brain are the top three factors that rank a page on Google.
  14. Most of Google’s traffic (26.56%) comes from the United States.
  15. 58.79% of Google users are Males, and 41.21% are Females.
  16. 54.89% of Google’s audience is aged between 18 to 34.

Here is the distribution of Google’s audience:

Age GroupShare of Users
Over 655.25%
  1. Google receives 95.53% of its traffic directly, while 1.88% of the traffic comes via social media platforms.

Sources: Similarweb, Statista.

Keywords Statistics

Keywords and Ranking Statistics Infographics

Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant content for ranking any webpage. Google, being the world’s most used and trusted search engine, also has over 200 ranking factors. Let us give you the top 10 parameters that you should check if you wish to rank your content higher.

  1. 34.71% of Google search queries contain four or more words.
  2. There are 4 types of featured snippets. Here is a quick overview of them.
  • Paragraph Snippets: Short, straight-to-the-point answers work best for straightforward questions. To increase the likelihood of your content being featured in this snippet, focus on brief and clear responses.
  • List Snippets: Ideal for step-by-step guides or comparisons, using bullet points or numbers in your content can help it get featured in these snippets.
  • Table Snippets: For showcasing data or numbers, organize your information in a neat table. This format is great for comparison content and can help your data get noticed in these snippets.
  • Video Snippets: When your content is a video that directly answers a query, it can be highlighted in these snippets. Ensure your videos are high-quality and relevant to the search topic.
  1. For ranking web pages, Google’s search algorithm considers around 200 ranking factors. Content’s relevancy and quality are a couple of the top parameters that are considered.
  2. A meta description is missing on 25.02% of the top-ranking pages.
  3. 97% of webpages appearing on the #1 page of Google have at least 1 image on them.
  4. Over 29% of search terms with over 10,000 monthly searches have three or more words.
  5. The first five organic Search Engine Result Page results account for over 67% of total clicks.
  6. Approximately 8% of queries are framed as a question.
  7. Approximately 60% of web pages on Google that rank on the first page are 3 or more years old.
  8. 40% of users will abandon your website if it takes more than three seconds to load.
  9. Updating a blog or article on your website can lead to as much as 146% growth in search traffic.
  10. The #1 organic result on Google has around 1400-1500 words in it on average.
  11. 92% of keywords have a search volume of fewer than 10 searches per month. Semrush is a great tool to sort and track important keywords for your projects.

Sources: Semrush, Ahrefs, Baclinko, Demandsage, Think With Google, Zero Web Limit, SEO Tribunal, 99signals.

Backlink SEO Statistics

Backlink SEO Statistics Infographics
  1. High-quality link building makes for 30% of your entire page score on Google.
  2. A single link from a high-quality domain will be valued more than several links from low-quality domains.
  3. Over 65% of web pages have no backlinks linking to them.
  4. Long-form content receives 77.2% more backlinks than short-form content.
  5. Businesses with blogs obtain 97% more backlinks to their website. 
  6. With 404 billion web pages in its index. Ahrefs is the most powerful backlink-building tool in the market. Compared to Semrush, Ahrefs has better backlinks capability.
  7. The number of URLs connecting to a page was the factor with the highest association with Google ranks. 
  8. Every month, the top-ranking page in SERP receives an additional 5% to 15% additional do-follow backlinks from new domains.
  9. The average cost of a backlink from a low-authority website is $150, whereas a backlink from a website with higher domain authority costs $1,000.

Voice Search Statistics

Voice Search Statistics Infographics
  1. Voice search on mobile devices is used by 27% of the global population.
  2. Structured data helps voice assistants understand your content, making you more discoverable in the 50% of searches expected to be voice-based by 2024.
  3. 39.4% of internet users in the U.S.A. use a voice assistant at least once every month.
  4. Voice searches account for 20% of all online searches.
  5. Voice search was utilized by 58% of consumers to find local company information.
  6. According to BacklinkO, a featured snippet is responsible for 40.7% of all voice search replies.
  7. 70.4% of voice search results come from HTTP websites.
  8. Voice search is used by 40% of adults on a daily basis.
  9. A healthy backlink profile boosts a website’s ranking in voice search.
  10. Each month, 1 billion voice searches are conducted.
  11. One in every four people aged 16 to 24 utilizes mobile voice search.
  12. By 2025, 75% of US families will own a smart speaker.
  13. Alexa is the most popular virtual assistant in the United States, accounting for over 38% of the market.
  14. The number of voice assistants will reach 8 billion by 2023.
  15. Amazon has the biggest share of smart speakers in the U.S.A., with 66%.
Share of Smart Speakers in United States
Graphic Source: Statista
  1. After conducting a voice search, 28% of people call the company.
  2. 51% of people use voice search to find restaurants.
  3. A Geomarketing survey revealed that 65% of Google Home and Amazon Echo owners do not want to return to keyboard searches.
  4. The typical result page of the Google Voice search has 2,312 words.
  5. A quarter of people aged 16-24 use voice search on their smartphone
  6. Smart speakers are most popular among people aged 26 to 35.
  7. There are Nearly 91 million smart speakers in the US. the number is estimated to grow to 95 million in 2023.

Sources: Backlinko, FirstSiteGuide, SEO clarity, Gartner, 99firms, social media today, Statista, Think With Google, Hubspot, Semrush.

Local SEO Statistics

Local SEO Statistics Infographics
  1. The monthly number of Google local searches is 97 billion. That’s 37k local searches each second.
  2. Almost one-third of all mobile searches are related to location.
  3. One-quarter of small business websites lack an H1 tag.
  4. 28% of searches with local intent result in a purchase. 
  5. 72% of Google searchers went to a store within 8 kilometers of where they were looking.
  6. 76% of consumers who look for anything local on their smartphone visit the shop within one day.
  7. After Googling, 78% of people want to shop locally. 
  8. For 92% of web searches that include a city and business category, a Yelp page appears in the top 5 results.
  9. A whopping 56% of local businesses have yet to claim their business on the Google My Business listing. 
  10. In 2020, “Near Me” searches climbed over 130%.
  11. Over 50% of all “Near Me” searches lead to offline conversions.
  12. Approximately 45% of customers globally will make a purchase online and subsequently pick up the item in-store.
  13. Local search intent is present in 46% of Google queries.

Sources: Statista, Hubspot, Semrush, Ahrefs, Webfx, Backlino, Search Engine Roundtable, Google.

Mobile SEO Statistics

Mobile SEO Statistics. Infographics
  1. Mobile devices account for roughly 55% of global website traffic.
  2. 80% of top-ranked websites are optimized for mobile phones.
  3. Mobile will surpass desktop in internet sales by 2023.
  4. In terms of overall search engine market share globally, smartphones account for 59.77%, with tablets accounting for 2.27% (a total of 59.77% for mobile devices). Desktops account for 37.96%.
  5. Location-based searches account for 30% of all mobile searches.
  6. 20% of marketing email campaigns are not mobile-optimized.
  7. When searching on mobile, 51% of smartphone users discovered a new company or product.
  8. Over 30% of all mobile searches are conducted prior to entering a store.
  9. When in a store, 43% of users will conduct an internet search on their mobile phones.
  10. 69% of mobile phone users believe they are much more likely to purchase from a website that answers their questions quickly.
  11. Every day, 87% of mobile phone users utilize a search engine. 
  12. 90% of smartphone users are unsure about which brand to purchase.
  13. 1/3rd of email clicks are attributed to a mobile device.
  14. The first organic listing on mobile devices generates 27.7% of clicks, compared to 19.3% on desktops. 
  15. Voice searches currently account for 20% of all mobile phone queries.
  16. The second most popular method employed by email marketers to improve their performance is optimizing emails for mobile phones.
  17. 57% of users will not suggest a company with a badly optimized mobile website.

Read our take on the best SEO tools in the market.

Sources: Statista, Terakeet, Think With Google, Backlinko, Hubspot, WordStream, Hitwise, SEO clarity, Search Engine Land, 99 firms.

Website Statistics

  1. There are 1.11 billion websites in the world, but a staggering 82% of them are inactive.
  2. 3 new websites are created every second.
  3. 29% of all business takes place online, hence 71% of businesses now have a website.
  4. The average rate of conversion for websites is 3.68%. 
  5. There are 20 million e-commerce websites in the world. Shopify accounts for 4.8 million E-commerce websites.
  6. It only takes 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion of your website. First impressions of a website are 94% design-related
  7. 43% of small business owners are looking to invest in their website’s performance in 2024.
  8. 88% of online users won’t return to a site after a bad experience.
  9. The average bounce rate of a website is between 41% and 55%.
  10. The majority of users look at the left corner of a website first. Studies further reveal that viewers spend 80% of their time looking at the left half of web pages.
  11. 85% of customers consider a seamless website experience across all devices to be very important.
  12. 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that offer personalized website experiences

Source: Siteefy, Ibisworld, BuiltWith, TandFonline, Forbes, CXL.

Video SEO Statistics

Video SEO Statistics Infographics
  1. Videos appear in 62% of Google’s worldwide searches.
  2. According to 49% of marketers, employing video in their digital marketing campaign leads to faster revenue growth.
  3. Including a video on the landing page enhances the chances of ranking on Google’s #1 page by 53%.
  4. Blogs featuring videos receive 3x the number of inbound links compared to simple text posts.
  5. In the United States of America, 85% of all internet users engage with video material at least once a month and 86% of customers say they want to see more videos from the businesses they support. 
  6. Posts containing videos receive more backlinks and receive a 157% increase in traffic.
  7. According to 51% of marketers surveyed on WordStream, videos are the best sort of content for ROI.
  8. Every day, people watch over 1 billion hours of video content on YouTube.
  9. 73% of consumers prefer short-form videos to search for products or services.
  10. Mobile devices account for 75% of all video plays globally.
  11. 2 billion people interact with Instagram’s reel feature every month.
  12. Watching a brand’s feedback video impacted 77% of people’s purchasing decisions.
  13. After seeing promotional videos on social media, 64% of customers completed a purchase.
  14. YouTube’s first-page videos have an average length of 15 minutes.

Sources: Forrester Research, BacklinkO, eMarketer, Charitable, WordStream, Insivia, Search Engine People, PR Newswire.

Challenges In SEO

  1. SEO professionals face a number of challenges in their mission to rank websites high in search engine results pages (SERPs). Statista carried out a survey of 3,623 SEO professionals globally to find out 14.9% of them see “lack of resources” as their biggest problem.

Here is a table showing the top most challenges faced by SEO Professionals globally:

ChallengeShare of Respondents
Lack Of Resources14.9%
Strategy Issues12.3%
Scaling Processes11.9%
Alignment With Other Departments10.7%
Budget Cuts10.5%
Management Approval10.2%
Client Relationship Issue8.6%
Legal Approval5.9%

We at Demandsage also deal with SEO every day. We continuously refine our website’s architecture for seamless crawling and implement structured data for enhanced visibility. However, we do encounter challenges such as evolving search engine algorithms and increasing competition, compelling us to stay agile in our tactics.

Here are some challenges that we face at Demandsage while doing SEO:

  • Finding the right anchor texts for internal linking.
  • Keeping up with the ever-changing Google algorithm.

Statistics Associated With Use Of Artificial Intelligence In AI

Statistics Associated With Use Of Artificial Intelligence In AI

AI has made it to our lives in different ways to make things easier. The most common example can be the usage of voice assistants like Google Assistant and Siri in our day-to-day activities. Even using Grammarly for proofreading your content is a very common example of AI in SEO.

AI for SEO works to increase performance and, to some extent, make large-scale and complex data analysis accessible to everyone. Many people are already using ChatGPT and Google Bard for SEO in the current times.

Here is a list of some amazing facts about AI in the SEO Sector!

  1. 58% of marketers plan to use AI for content and SEO in 2024.
  2. 40% of marketers witnessed a 6-10% increase in revenue after implementing AI in their SEO practice.
  3. The majority of people are using ChatGPT for SEO. Here are the top ways in which marketers are using this chatbot:
  • Content Generation
  • Keyword Research
  • Generating emails for acquiring backlinks
  • Generating Schema Markup

Google Bard is also being used for improving SEO. Here are the top ways in which marketers are using Google’s own chatbot for SEO

  • Finding Content Gap
  • Creating Anchor text variations
  • content planning and ideation
  1. In a Statista survey, Machine learning and/or AI were voted first by 18.7% of respondents as the leading reasons for a shift in search engine optimization (SEO) in the coming times. 13.9% stated that the deprecation of third-party cookies would be the reason.

Sources: Search Engine Land, LinkedIn, Medium, Meetanshi.

General SEO Statistics

General SEO Statistics infographics
  1. Before clicking on any of the results for their original search, 18% of searchers type a new query.
  2. As a top technical SEO approach, 25% of businesses spend on mobile optimization.
  3. Google’s core update in May 2022 led to growth in traffic on websites with AI-generated content.
  4. 50% of the users are more likely to click on a product that appears multiple times in SERPs.
  5. Blog posts with seven or fewer words in their H1 tag obtain 36% higher organic traffic on average than those with fourteen or more words.
  6. Voice search technology will be used weekly by 1.1 billion mobile phone users worldwide in the coming times.
  7. Click-Through Rate from Google picture results is 0.21% on average. It’s also important to note that this rate changes greatly with industries.
  8. Brand connection increases Click-Through Rates by 2 to 3 times.
  9. Similar to Voice Search, Artificial intelligence will play a huge role in SEO.
  10. Content in Long-form and Videos in Short form is the way for the future.
  11. A recent study by the digital information world revealed that 2.5 million search terms showed that Google’s “People also ask” feature now shows up for nearly 49% of searches.
  12. User Experience is equally important to keep users on your site. Make sure to make it more engaging and intuitive. Don’t forget to make your website mobile responsive.

Sources: Oberlo, Backlinko, Google, Internet Live Stats, StatCounter, Semrush, WordStrea, Search Engine Journal, Stan Ventures, Hubspot.

Did you know? You can handle SEO for top clients by sitting at home.

Future Of SEO — Trends & Insights for 2024

The SEO industry is forecasted to reach a valuation of $99.4 billion by the year 2027: The US market is expected to be the largest, followed by China, with other regions like Europe and Asia also experiencing significant growth. The demand for skilled SEO professionals will rise, creating new job opportunities in the field.

  • E-E-A-T will be important more than ever: (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) will continue to be paramount ranking factors. Invest in building your brand’s credibility through high-quality content, expert contributors, and positive user experiences.
  • AI usage will increase in SEO: AI is already integrated heavily into the SEO industry. Expect to see AI-powered tools for keyword research, content optimization, and even competitor analysis becoming increasingly sophisticated. The ability to leverage AI for data-driven decisions and automation will be a key differentiator. Currently, 8 in 10 digital marketers are deploying AI and Machine Learning-enabled solutions for their marketing endeavors.
  • Video as the new king of content: Video content is exploding in popularity. Just like image SEO, Video SEO will be the next big thing in 2024. Optimized video titles, descriptions, tags, and transcripts for search engines will make your video pop in searches and help you gain more audience.
  • Build your blog as a brand: People are starting blogs left, right, and center. But if you have to stand out among the crowd, you need to create your blog as a brand. How can you do it? Run PRs and personalize your content as much as possible, creating people-first content.
  • User experience reigns supreme: Prioritize mobile-first design, fast loading times, and engaging content formats (videos and infographics) to keep users glued to your website. It is estimated that there will be 7.296 billion smartphone users worldwide by 2025. As we said earlier, making mobile-friendly websites should be one of the most important factors in optimizing them for UX

Related Reads: ChatGPT Statistics

Importance of Google Core Updates in SEO

Firstly, what are Google’s core updates? Well, in simple words, Google maintains its dominance in the field of search engines by continuously enhancing its ranking algorithm. The significant changes in its algorithm are known as “Core Updates.”

These core updates happen every two to three months. By rearranging the rankings of indexed websites, Google’s core updates aim to increase the relevancy and quality of its search results. Every time Google rolls a core update, it affects all the indexed web pages on the internet in both positive and negative ways. Why? simply because the pages that are well optimized and satisfy the updates perform well, and the ones that aren’t performing badly.

So, how do these updates affect SEO? Google SEO’s core idea is to modify your website and online presence to favor them in Google’s ranking algorithm. If you are able to adjust your website’s SEO as per the update, you are good to go. Now, you may ask, how can one do it? Well, simply by looking at the core update’s information. You can do that by clicking HERE. We suggest you to not only check the most recent updates but also the ones of the past few months.

Once you go through the core update’s blog, you can find the loopholes in your website and fix them to rank better.

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